This letter gives us another secret to growth and change to those of us who are feeling a little bit complacent. Maybe we feel a little more bored than blessed when we connect with church … Perhaps we feel a lot more attached to this world than we’d like - (who doesn’t struggle with that?) and looking us straight in the eye Jesus says - “I want you to see your need as you never have before. Then I’d be able to meet your need as I never have before.” John writes this way to the church in Laodicea - “To the angel of the church of Laodicea write, ‘These are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God’s creation. I know your deeds that you’re neither cold nor hot … I wish that you were one or the other … But you don’t realise you’re wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked. I counsel you get from me gold refined in the fire so you can become rich and white clothes to wear so you can cover your shameful nakedness salve to put on your eyes so you can see.” (Revelation 3:14 ff) Not easy words from Jesus but they end with his remarkable promise - “Look! I am standing at the door and I'm constantly knocking. If anyone opens the door I will come in and I’ll fellowship with him; I’ll relate to him, I’ll dine with him and he’ll fellowship with me.” (Revelation 3:20 – Message)

Wednesday Aug 13, 2014
Faith and Reason - Jesus is Unique
Wednesday Aug 13, 2014
Wednesday Aug 13, 2014
Is Jesus truly unique? Is Jesus “son of God” and “son of man”? The argument in history was - is Jesus from above, or from below?

Wednesday Aug 13, 2014
Faith and Reason - If God...Why Evil?
Wednesday Aug 13, 2014
Wednesday Aug 13, 2014
If there’s an “all powerful, all knowing” God who is present everywhere in creation, and if that God is love, how come there’s evil? And how come there’s suffering?

Wednesday Aug 13, 2014
Has Science Made Belief In God Obsolete?
Wednesday Aug 13, 2014
Wednesday Aug 13, 2014
Has science in one way or the other shown that those of us who believe in God … really believe in a fairy tale which can only be sustained by people who are needy and emotional? A fairy tale which can't withstand serious rigorous intellectual investigation?

Thursday Jul 24, 2014
Generosity - Keith Garner
Thursday Jul 24, 2014
Thursday Jul 24, 2014
Over the past few weeks, I have been exploring with my staff and congregations the theme of generosity.
I would like to look at the link between generosity and leadership…
Generosity flows from the deep places of our lives and is certainly worth each of us considering when we examine our discipleship and the way we exercise leadership both inside and outside church.
Wednesday Jul 23, 2014
My Mission in Life
Wednesday Jul 23, 2014
Wednesday Jul 23, 2014
How do we make a difference with our lives? We find the answer to that question when we have a “mission” that matters. A mission isn’t just a duty or a task. It's something that we will dream about, it will occupy our hearts and minds, and it will be a purpose that leads us. It's a powerful and magnetic quality.
When we became a follower of Jesus, God gave us a new mission and purpose for our lives. Listen as we learn about our mission and calling for our lives.
Wednesday Jul 23, 2014
Life's Big Issues - Death - Leaving a Legacy
Wednesday Jul 23, 2014
Wednesday Jul 23, 2014
The concept of leaving a legacy may look very differently than secular society may have lead us to believe. As believers in Jesus Christ, we can leave a legacy of faith, hope, and love, and whilst on this earth, we can also live them out and share them with generosity. Listen in as we learn about a legacy worth more than gold and silver.

Tuesday Jun 24, 2014
Life's Big Issues - Why Work So Hard?
Tuesday Jun 24, 2014
Tuesday Jun 24, 2014
Why should we work - and work so hard? Work is one of life’s big issues. The Bible says - “By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food” (Genesis 3:19) and our government says - now we can work till we’re 70.

Friday Jun 06, 2014
Life's Big Issues - Men are from Mars, Women are from...
Friday Jun 06, 2014
Friday Jun 06, 2014

Friday May 23, 2014
Life's Big Issues - Sex - What the porn stars can't tell you...
Friday May 23, 2014
Friday May 23, 2014
In the first message of our new series 'Life's Big Issues' covering sex, money and death, Reverend Peter Godwin begins with a message on sex and explores and explains what the porn stars can't tell you about sex. Follow this six week series here, as we discuss many of life's big issues.

Friday May 23, 2014
Mother's Day
Friday May 23, 2014
Friday May 23, 2014
In this sermon we are exploring the many mothers in the Bible and how God used them for His glory. Happy Mother's Day everyone.